Click here to download the KT Toast List

Click here to download the KT Malta Toast List

Ranks Officers 2023 - 24 Ranks Officers 2023 - 24
Sub Prior E.Kt.  Allan Seager P.Gt. Her.    
Prelate  E.Kt. Peter Hawken P.Gt. Her. Captain General E.Kt. Ivor Newman
 Chancellor E.Kt. Roger Guest  P.Pro. 2nd.Constable Lieutenant General E.Kt. William Truscott
1st Constable E.Kt. Ivor Newman Prov. Her. 1st Lieutenant E.Kt. Alan R. Cockman P.Gt. C.
 2nd Constable E.Kt. William Truscott Prov. C. 2nd Lieutenant E.Kt. Frances Williams
Treasurer V.E.Kt. Anthony R. Moyle  P.Gt. Registrar Prelate E.Kt. Peter Hawken P.Gt. Her.
Registrar E.Kt. Alan R. Cockman P.Gt. C. Mareschal E.Kt. Alan P. McArthur P.Gt. St.B.(VB)
Vice-Chancellor E.Kt. Thomas Pearman Gt. W.of Reg. Deputy Mareschal E.Kt. Leslie F.J. Dacombe P.Gt. C.
Marshal E.Kt. Alan P. McArthur P.Gt. St.B.(VB) Hospitaller E.Kt. Anthony F. Jeffery
Deputy Marshal E.Kt. Leslie F.J. Dacombe P.Gt. C. Admiral E.Kt. Robert Williams
Almoner E.Kt. Anthony F. Jeffery P.Gt. W.of Reg. Conservator E.Kt. Richard Williams
Herald E.Kt. Frances Williams Baillie E.Kt. James Evans
Standard Bearer (B) E.Kt. Robert Williams Turcopolier E.Kt.  Paul Fletcher
Standard Bearer (VB) E.Kt. Richard Williams           Chancellor E.Kt. Thomas Pearman Gt. W.of Reg.
Prior’s Banner Bearer E.Kt. Frederick Purnell            Treasurer V.E.Kt. Anthony R. Moyle  P.Gt. Registrar
Sword Bearer E.Kt. Simon Metters Prior’s Banner Bearer E.Kt. Frederick Purnell
Aide-de-Camp 1 E.Kt. James Evans Sword Bearer E.Kt. Simon Metters
Aide-de-Camp 2   Captain of Outposts E.Kt. Charles Serpell
Warden of Regalia E.Kt. Peter Everest Guard E.Kt. Keith Rigby
Chamberlain E.Kt. Paul Fletcher    
Captain of Guards E.Kt. Charles Serpell    
Organist E.Kt. Roger Freeman P.Gt. C.    
Guard E.Kt. Keith Rigby Prov. Gd.    
Promotions   Past Ranks  
P.Prov. 1st Constable E.Kt. Angus Herdman Prov. 2nd Con. P.Prov. Captain General E.Kt. Angus Herdman
P.Prov. 2nd Constable E.Kt. Mark Richardson P.Prov. Her. P.Prov. Lieutenant General E.Kt. Mark Richardson
P.Prov. Captain of Guard E.Kt. Jeremy Gist P.Prov. Captain of Outpost E.Kt. Jeremy Gist


                                         Body Guard

Commander of Bodyguard E.Kt. Paul Ackland P.Gt. W.of R.
Dep. Commander of Bodyguard E.Kt. Andrew Yelland P.Pr.Reg.
Registrar of Bodyguard E.Kt. Simon C. Metters
Kt. Nigel M. Ashton Kt. M Howard Kt. Peter O'Hora
Kt. Barrie Bannister-Evans Kt. Clayton Lonie Jr. Kt. Michael O'Meara
Kt. Stephen A. Benford Kt. John Mcmillan Kt. Cristopher Semmens
Kt. Colin Bytheway Kt. William Phillip Kt. Pete Sobye
Kt. Dean J. Crossman Kt. Christopher J. Potter Kt. Robert D. Williams
Kt. David J. Guest Kt. Mark J. Rodd Kt. Glen Weaver